Blogs & News for Resource Parents

MRPA Presents: Taxes for Resource Families
About Our Presenter Join us in a training with Josh Kroll, the Project Manager of the Adoption Subsidy Resource Center, a program of Families Rising. In his 27 years there, Josh has gained an extensive knowledge of federal and state laws and policies, including the...

Child Welfare Academy Spring Conference & Training Schedules Have Been Posted
Our friends at the Child Welfare Academy have shared the schedules for their upcoming March, 2025 Spring Virtual Conference, as well as their training schedule for February through April, 2025. Click the images below to view and download a copy of the schedule for...

Recent MRPA Presents Videos Are Now Available
We've posted the recordings of two recent MRPA Presents sessions. MRPA Presents: Taxes for Resource Families (Video and Flyer) MRPA Presents - Creating a Kin-First Culture (Video) See this page for these and other, prior sessions.

Webinar: MRPA Presents-Creating Safe Spaces: Advocacy and Resources for LGBTQ+ Foster Parents
TUESDAY MARCH 4, 2025 6:30-8:00PM Please register HERE. Join us for a supportive discussion designed specifically for LGBTQ+ foster parents. This training will address the unique challenges faced by same-sex couples in the child welfare system, including navigating...
Reminder! November MRPA Meeting – Tuesday, November 12th @ 8pm ET
Join us for our November MRPA meeting. Use this Zoom link to join:

November MRPA Meeting – Tuesday, November 12th @ 8pm ET
Join us for our November MRPA meeting. Use this Zoom link to join:

MRPA Meeting Tuesday, 9/10
Please join us Tuesday September 10, 2024 for our Bi-Monthly Meeting at 8:00pm. All foster/kinship parents are welcome!
MRPA Presents: KinFirst Culture with Sam Macer (Tuesday 9/3 at 6:30PM)
TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 3, 2024 6:30-7:30PM MRPA board member Sam Macer, MSW will lead a discussion concerning the Kin First culture, kinship family needs, and local, state, and national support. Caregivers will be invited to provide input and suggestions concerning how the...

INVITATION: Maryland Resource Parent Association Project #1 – A National Effort
A Need for Kinship-Specific Training There is a need for the development of a basic “Parent Involvement 101” education training to support and sustain academic achievement for children and youth in kinship care and all youth in out of home placement. Why? Research...

September is Kinship Care Month!
The MRPA is looking ahead to Kinship Care Month in September! We'll have a special invitation for Kinship parents in Maryland to share their needs for training and resources to assist them in their role as a care provider. Stay tuned on our website and social media...

Executive Board Elections 9/10/24 – Call for Nominees, Updated Nominee List
Email Stefany Lang at to add your name to the list of nominees for the MRPA Board of Directors.

Peer to Peer Support Webinar August 6th 6:30PM ET

Executive Board Elections 9/10/24
The MRPA will be holding their Executive Board elections at our next scheduled meeting on 9/10/24 @ 8pm via Zoom. If you are interested in nominating yourself or someone else for one of the board positions please email me at no later than 8/10/24 (30...

Child Welfare Academy July/September ’24 Training Schedule
Download the full schedule here: Register at this link:
MRPA Presents: What is MRPA?
Join us on Tuesday, April 16th, 2024 from 7pm to 8pm for this special event. Learn what the Maryland Resource Parents Association is and what we do for the state’s foster and kinship parents: Answer questions and provide support Represent their needs with state...

MRPA Town Hall (2 Dates Available)
Do you want to have a voice in the services that are provided to children in foster care and their birth and resource families? The Social Services Administration and the Maryland Resource Parent Association invite you to attend one of the sessions below to share...

MRPA First Tuesday for October, 2023: Talking with Children About Adoption and Birth Families
Did you know that it's important to start talking with children about adoption and using positive adoption language at the earliest age possible? Foster, adoptive and pre-adoptive families are encouraged to attend this interactive training with Erica Moltz from...
Posted! Child Welfare Academy Fall 2023 Resource Parent Training Calendar
SSA’s Health Care Services Spotlight Webinar Series

Foster Care Tax Credit Act SURVEY: Your Response is Requested by 9/7
Sharing this opportunity posted by the National Foster Parent Association (NFPA). The NFPA has partnered with the Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) and Upbring, a child welfare service provider in Texas, to advocate for the Foster Care Tax Credit Act. This...

Summer Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) Programs / Programas de P-EBT en el verano
Who is eligible for Summer P-EBT benefits? School children who received free or reduced price school meals at school under the National School Lunch Program or School Breakfast Program are eligible for P-EBT benefits in the summer of 2023. Unlike in the past, children...
Foster the Family 5k Fun Day – Saturday, May 6th
Reminder: 2023 Maryland Foster and Adoptive Parent Survey (Your Response Is Welcome!)
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. We anticipate it will take 15-30 minutes to complete. We hope to use the results to better advocate for the needs of foster children and foster parents. The survey is completely anonymous. Current, licensed foster...

2023 Maryland Foster and Adoptive Parent Survey
Thank you for taking the time to fill out this survey. We anticipate it will take 15-30 minutes to complete. We hope to use the results to better advocate for the needs of foster children and foster parents. The survey is completely anonymous. Current, licensed foster...

Family Works Together – Maryland Post-Adoption Program and Book Club
Download the flyers to learn about these valuable networking and learning opportunities!

New Resource! Maryland Adoption Agencies Directory
A Letter of Introduction from MRPA President James L. Craig, Jr.
To: Resource Parents of Maryland From: James L. Craig Jr. President, Maryland Resource Parents Association (MRPA) Subject: Introduction Greetings to the hardest working people I know. As the new President for the Maryland Resource Parents Association (MRPA), I want to...

National Kinship Virtual Town Hall – RSVP Today!
The MRPA would like to share this opportunity being offered by our friends in Ohio as part of this Kinship Care Month. Maryland Kinship parents are welcome to attend and join care givers from almost 40 other states! Are you a kinship caregiver? Do you want to join us...

Promoting Healthy Behaviors for Kinship Caregivers
DIGITAL DIALOGUE - REGISTER NOW! Promoting Healthy Behaviors for Kinship Caregivers Wednesday, September 21 2:00-2:45 p.m. Eastern Time Kinship caregivers often prioritize their children’s needs before caring for their own, often delaying their own medical...
Child Welfare Academy Summer Courses – Reserve Your Spot!
REGISTER HERE FOR WORKSHOPS July and August Training Sessions Mon, 7/25/22 (6:00-8:00pm) - Effective Mental Health Treatment Through a Trauma-Informed Lens (meets Medication Management training req) Wed, 7/27/22 (6:00-8:00pm) - Digital Safety Wed, 8/3/22 (6:00-8:00pm)...
June First Tuesday Video: Reunification with Chauncey Strong, Strong Family Training
As we wrap up this month dedicated to family Reunification, we are pleased to post our re-recorded session with Chauncey Strong from Strong Family Training. We discuss the importance of Reunification, and hear from Chauncey on his work in this important area of...
Title IV-E Child Care Reimbursement – Application Deadline June 17th!
Maryland DHS has received information regarding Title IV-E Child Care Reimbursement. This is for eligible children for the calendar year 2021. Please note that this information was received late and there is an extremely short turnaround time frame. Please read all of...

First Tuesday 06/07/22: “Reunification” with Guest Chauncey Strong, Strong Training and Consulting
Learn more about our guest at: Register Here When: Jun 7, 2022 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this meeting: After...

First Tuesday May 3rd: Post-Adoption Support Services with Debbie Riley, CEO of CASE (Children’s Adoption, Support & Education)
Learn more about our guest at: Register for the session: When: May 3, 2022 08:00 AM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this meeting:...

First Tuesday ‘Sleep Health for Foster Care Children’ – Video and Slides Have Been Posted

First Tuesday 4/5/22: Sleep Health for Foster Care Children with Dr. Amy R. Wolfson
Sleep Health for Foster Care Children Emerging research conducted by our and other research teams reveals high rates of sleep problems among children in foster care, yet science, education, practice, and policy have largely ignored sleep health in this vulnerable...

MD DHS Annual Notice of Resources Flyer
The Maryland DHS has made available their 'Annual Notice of Resources' flyer. Download your copy from the MRPA website at:
First Tuesday Videos Now Available

NFPA Annual Tax Guide for Members – Consider Joining Today!
Did you know that the National Foster Parent Association makes available an annual tax guide for resource parents? This guide is only available to NFPA members. To take advantage of this specially-tailored guide for parents just like you, consider becoming an NFPA...

First Tuesday March 1st, ’22: US Federal Adoption Tax Credit with Josh Kroll of NACAC
Participants will learn the steps they need to take to file for the U.S. federal adoption tax credit. The focus will be on filing for 2021, but will also cover applying for the credit for adoptions as far back as 2018. Presenter Josh Kroll will explain what parents...

Child Welfare Academy Spring Virtual Resource Parent Conference – Registration is Open!
Learn more about this upcoming virtual conference and register today! Conference Date: April 2, 2022, from 8:45am to 3:30pm Conference Info: Registration Link:...
First Tuesday: February 8, 2022 Maryland’s Human Services Staffing Shortage

MD DHS Guidance on COVID-19 Vaccine for Youth in Out-of-Home Placement (2/1/22)
COVID-19 infections can be a minor hindrance or lead to severe disease or even death. Children, like adults, should receive a COVID-19 vaccine to help prevent serious illness from COVID-19, protect other people around you, particularly people at increased risk for...
January’s First Tuesday – Moved to January 11th (Next Tuesday)
REGISTER HERE You are invited to a Zoom meeting. When: Jan 11, 2022 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Register in advance for this...

Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year from the MRPA!
Wishing you joy and peace as we wrap up the 2021 Holiday Season and look forward to a New Year in 2022. Thank you to those who provide loving care and support to children in the foster care system as a foster, kinship or adoptive family. Thank you to those who provide...
The Maryland DHS Needs Your Feedback! (Deadline Extended to 12/22)
In July of 2021 the MRPA was pleased to welcome Kim Parks-Bourn,Program Manager for Practice Innovation with the Maryland DHS. The topic of our talk was 'Marylands Integrated Practice Model: What it Means for Resource Parents'. See the presentation information on our...
The Maryland DHS Needs Your Feedback by 12/15!
In July of 2021 the MRPA was pleased to welcome Kim Parks-Bourn,Program Manager for Practice Innovation with the Maryland DHS. The topic of our talk was 'Marylands Integrated Practice Model: What it Means for Resource Parents'. See the presentation information on our...

There’s Still Time to Sign Up! First Tuesday 12/7 with Author Amber Jewell, ‘Finding Hope: The 12 Keys to Healing Hardship, Hurt & Sorrow’

First Tuesday 12/7 with Author Amber Jewell, ‘Finding Hope: The 12 Keys to Healing Hardship, Hurt & Sorrow’

A Letter from Executive Director Arnold Eby
MRPA Friends, Some of you may have seen the announcement that I have been appointed to the position of Executive Director for the National Foster Parent Association, effective January 1st, '22. It has been an honor to serve the Resource Parents of Maryland as a member...
MD Students Attending In-School Instruction No longer Eligible for Pandemic EBT Benefits
Pandemic EBT Issuance MD Students Attending In-School Instruction No longer Eligible for Pandemic EBT Benefits Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic, Maryland Department of Human Services in conjunction with the Maryland State Department of Education secured...

Giving Tuesday is November 30th: Consider a Donation to the MRPA
Giving Tuesday Is November 30, 2021 Giving Tuesday was established in 2012 as an international day of generosity, with the goal of unleashing the power of people and organizations to transform their communities, and the world. In the 9 years since it began it has...
Child Welfare Academy Resource Parent Conference 11/6 – Sign Up by 10/30!

CHILD WELFARE ACADEMY Effective Mental Health Treatment Through a Trauma-Informed Lens
Reminder! There are 3 more sessions of this course available in 2021, it's not too late to take advantage of this training opportunity. REGISTRATION LINK: PRINTABLE FLYER
Resources to Support Safe Travel Practices
The Maryland Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Administration (MDOT MVA) is observing Child Passenger Safety Week, September 19-25, by reminding parents and caregivers to make sure children ride as safely as possible with proper use of car seats, boosters and...

CWLA Webinar Announcement: The Child Tax Credit (CTC) is a Child Welfare Issue
Monday, September 27, 2021 3:30 pm Eastern Time The Child Tax Credit (CTC) is a Child Welfare Issue CWLA, in partnership with the Coalition on Human Needs, invite you to join us for the webinar, The Child Tax Credit (CTC) is a Child Welfare Issue, to help spread the...

9/9 is International FASD Awareness Day
On this 9th day of the 9th month of the year, we recognize International FASD Awareness Day, a day dedicated to bringing awareness of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and its impact on the lives of children. The following resources are excellent for Resource Parents. Book...
First Tuesday Reminder – September 7th, Kinship Mentoring with Sam Macer

Kinship Care Month & Our New Kinship Corner
Welcome to the wonderful month of September and the celebration of Kinship Month! I would like to take this opportunity to say 'thank you' and to honor all of the kinship caregivers, both formal and informal, in the State of Maryland. We are grateful for all that you...

National Adoption Month Webinar: Every Conversation Matters 9/30 @ 2pm
This year, National Adoption Month will focus on teen adoption and engaging youth in permanency planning. The theme for the 2021 initiative, "Every Conversation Matters," recognizes that authentic youth engagement depends on building solid relationships, which can...

First Tuesday August 3, 2021: Open Mic Discussion
Third Tuesday Q&A 7/20/21: Promoting Partnerships Between the Family of Origin and Resource Parents
BOSS KIDS COOK + Every Kid Can Cook Sizzlin’ Summer Camp
Downloadable Flyer

Fostering Connections Through Camp Connect
Camp Connect is still accepting campers for this year! Quick Details: Dates: August 10 - 15th Where: Camp Manidokan in Knoxville, MD - we have a bus that goes from Baltimore Co DSS on York Rd. on Tuesday and back on Sunday Who: ANY separated siblings with one sib...

First Tuesday 7/6/21: Promoting Partnerships Between the Family of Origin & Resource Parents
Special Guest Facilitator Becky Rice, LCSW-C, Frederick Co DSS This session is designed to offer processes for engaging the Family of Origin and creating partnerships that improve the outcomes for the children being fostered, and for the families involved. Becky will...
Survey Opportunity: Love is Action
MRPA would like to share this 'Love is Action' survey opportunity. Foster parents, we're listening! If you have ever been a foster parent, we want to hear from YOU! You are the expert on what it's like to be a foster parent in your area. Please share your opinions in...

MD DHS – Adult Protective and Child Welfare Services- In-Person Contact and Out-of-State Travel Guidance
CHILD WELFARE ACADEMY Effective Mental Health Treatment Through a Trauma-Informed Lens

Forward 50th Education Conference
Registration Is Now Open for the Forward 50th Education Conference. << BE SURE TO REGISTER BY THIS SATURDAY 6/26 FOR THE BEST PRICING FOR THE CONFERENCE!! >> $99 Registration Through June 26, 2021 and then $119 for On-Demand Learning Through September 30,...
Promoting Partnerships Between the Family of Origin and Resource Parents – Resources
This Tuesday's session entitled 'Maryland's Integrated Practice Model - What it Means for Resource Parents' promises to provide excellent information on the topic - please join us tomorrow at 8pm for the discussion! Register here: ...
Third Tuesday Session: Maryland’s Integrated Practice Model’ – What It Means for Resource Parents
New P-EBT Updates/Nuevas actualizaciones de la P-EBT
New P-EBT Updates The Maryland Department of Human Services in collaboration with the Maryland State Department of Education has secured approval from the federal government to implement the Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) Program. The program provides...

Executive Director Arnie Eby Article in ‘Fostering Families Today’ Magazine (May/June Edition)
MRPA's Executive Director Arnie Eby recently contributed an article to the May/June edition of Fostering Families Today magazine entitled, 'We're the Lucky Ones'. In it he discusses the role of he and his wife, Donna, in the lives of the children who have been in...
Third Tuesday Q&A with Barb Clark of NACAC: Trauma Informed Strategies
Register Here:
Honoring the 2021 Foster Parents of the Year
2021 Foster Parents of the Year We are honored and pleased to feature Maryland's Foster Parents of the Year! We'll be publishing the nominations for the parents from each county here on our website, and on Facebook. Stay tuned to learn more about these phenomenal...

First Tuesday 05/04/2021: Trauma Informed Strategies with Barb Clark of NACAC
First Tuesday is next week! Join our Guest Facilitator Barb Clark of NACAC as she follows up her impactful session on FASD with a discussion on 'Trauma Informed Strategies'. The discussion will center around techniques for responding to trauma-based behavior. Register...
Reminder! This Tuesday is our Follow Up Q&A Session with Barb Clarke of NACAC (Zoom Session)
MRPA will host another in our series of 'First Tuesday Follow Up Q&A' sessions on 4/20 on the topic of 'Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder', or FASD. Our First Tuesday session on 4/6 was such a hit that we've invited Barb Clark back to facilitate the Q&A. Stay...

CHAMPS Pandemic EBT Program Update
Download a printable copy of this update here: (The links will function on your downloaded copy).
DHS Updates on the Children’s Cabinet Funds
We have posted two important updates to the status of reimbursement funding! COVID-19 Reimbursement Funding FAQs Update: Second Request - Children's Cabinet Funds

Follow Up Q&A Session with Barb Clarke of NACAC (Zoom Session)
MRPA will host another in our series of 'First Tuesday Follow Up Q&A' sessions on 4/20 on the topic of 'Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder', or FASD. Our First Tuesday session on 4/6 was such a hit that we've invited Barb Clark back to facilitate the Q&A. Stay...

Downloadable Factsheet: Parenting Your Adopted School-Age Child
MRPA's Executive Director Arnie Eby was honored to be a part of the content review for this important resource, 'Parenting Your Adopted School-Age Child'. We're happy to make this document available to you, and hope you find it useful! Download the document here:...
Last Call to Register for This Week’s Session! First Tuesday 04/06/2021: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder with Barb Clark of NACAC
Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. About Our Trainer BIO: Barb Clark is an...
Submit Your Social Worker Appreciation Video!
March is Social Worker Appreciation Month! Help us to celebrate the social workers who have impacted your life. The MRPA has created a page where you can leave a short (90 second or less) testimonial about a special social worker. Feel free to leave as many as you'd...
First Tuesday 04/06/2021: Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder with Barb Clark of NACAC
Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. About Our Trainer BIO: Barb Clark is an...

Invitation to Respond to Arrow Child and Family Ministries Foster Parent Survey
Arrow Child and Family Ministries has invited Foster Parents across Maryland to respond to their survey. Results will be shared with MD DHS, and will be used in Arrow's advocacy efforts for parents and children, so please take this opportunity to make your voice...

Invitation to Respond to CJAC 3 Year Assessment Survey
MRPA's Executive Director Arnie Eby serves on CJAC, and would like to share this opportunity to respond to their survey... read on for details! The Children’s Justice Act Committee (CJAC) is a federally mandated Task Force under the Child Abuse and Prevention...
Child Welfare Academy Spring Virtual Resource Parent Conference
Just a quick note to let you know that our Spring Virtual Resource Parent Conference will be on Saturday April 17, 2021 from 8:30am-3:30pm (5 hours of training credit, 2 Behavior/Discipline workshops offered). Registration is now open! Below is the flyer with details...
MD DHS/Dept of Education P-EBT Benefits Update

First Tuesday 3/2/21: Birth Family Connections with Kim Stevens, NACAC
Register in advance for this meeting: After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. About Our Trainer BIO: Kim is a program...
First Tuesday 2/2/21: What Is the MRPA? Session Video & Handouts Have Been Posted
The video and handouts from our First Tuesday session last night have been posted! This was a great session that included a brief overview of our recent Resource Parent Survey, discussions on building Advocacy with our guests, Katie Fitzsimmons from Anne Arundel Co...
YOUR Training and Resource Needs for 2020?…
Did you know....? That our road map for training, resources, and services that we will be providing in 20201 comes from feedback from YOU, Maryland-based Resource Parents? That 460 Resource Parents completed the recent MD DHS/MRPA survey and offered their feedback on...
Updated Maryland DHS Policy on Visitation
In light of the upward trend in Covid-19 cases in our state, the MRPA recently made a request to the Maryland DHS to consider a 60-day-or-more suspension of the State's requirement for in-person visits between foster children and their biological families. As a result...
First Tuesday Session Updates – Video/Handouts From Last Call, Upcoming Session Topic
February First Tuesday Session: Maryland DHS/Social Services & MRPA Survey Results In 2020, the Maryland DHS/Social Service and the Maryland Resource Parent Association conducted a joint survey to ask parents to evaluate their relationships with the MRPA and...
Notice of Eligibility: Pandemic EBT Retroactive September P-EBT issuance / Aviso de Elegibilidad: EBT en la pandemia (P-EBT) Emisión de la P-EBT en septiembre
Notice of Eligibility: Pandemic EBT Retroactive September P-EBT issuance Over the summer, you received a notice from the State of Maryland indicating that one or more children in your household were eligible for Pandemic EBT or P-EBT. P-EBT benefits were loaded to...
Announcement: MRPA Has Requested A Temporary Hold on In-Person Visits Due to Covid-19 Concerns
Maryland is experiencing the most serious spike in the number of reported Covid-19 illnesses and deaths since May of last year. In response, the Maryland Resource Parent Association is calling for an immediate 60 day-or-more suspension of the Maryland Dept. of Social...
How the CARES Act can affect your 2020 tax deductions: World Vision Article
Article Excerpt Are you seeking out maximum tax deductions for 2020? The charitable contribution limit for 2020 has changed: We spoke with one of our experienced finance professionals for insight on this year’s Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES)...
Children’s Cabinet Funds (One Time DHS/SSA Stipend)
Please take immediate note of the following message from Michelle L. Farr, Executive Director of the Socials Services Administration, regarding a one-time stipend for Resource Parents with children during the period of July 1 - December 31, 2020. [pdf-embedder...
Why Are the Holidays so Hard for Traumatized Kids?
(Repost from Serenity Links Coaching) The holidays are festive and fun, but they can also be torture for our traumatized kids! The very things we love about the season can send our child’s issues into overdrive and their behavior into orbit. That can easily make this...
Continuous Resolution P-EBT Update/Resolución de continuar la P-EBT
Continuous Resolution P-EBT Update This is to inform you that a recent federal budget resolution will provide additional Pandemic EBT or P-EBT benefits. The Maryland Department of Human Services and the State Department of Education are working collaboratively to...
NFPA Training Opportunity: Mentorship Series: Reach, Raise, Love, and Train the Next Generation
MRPA would like to share this training opportunity with the NFPA! TRAINING ANNOUNCEMENT Available Online Teaching mentors about ways to reach, raise, love, and train the next generation, Brian D. Molitor will talk about the many aspects of mentoring that...