Blogs & News for Resource Parents
Registration is Open for MD CASA’s 12th Annual Conference
Registration deadline is March 23. You may also see event details and register at To register or for more information, visit:
Update: Spring 2018 Resource Parent Conference on March 3rd
RESOURCE PARENT SPRING CONFERENCE MARCH 3, 2018, 8:30am-4:00pm Chesapeake College, 100 College Circle, Wye Mills, MD 21679 Although online registration closed on 2/18, there are still openings in the workshops as shown below. Enjoy a motivational keynote,...
CASA 12th Annual Conference on Child Well-Being: Overcoming Obstacles, Achieving Stability
We have added the CASA 12th Annual Conference to our Event Notification Calendar. See these and other upcoming events HERE. Details and links for registration are found on the event.
University of MD School of Social Work Western MD Resource Parent Training Opportunities
Child Welfare Academy Western Maryland Resource Parent Training Opportunities Saturday, March 24, 2018 Allegany Co. DSS, 1 Frederick St, Cumberland, MD 21502 Strengthening Attachment Among Resource Parents and Children in Foster Care 9:00am-12:00pm (3 training hours)...
CASA Training Opportunities Added to Our Event Calendar
We have added 2 new CASA in-person and webinar trainings to our Event Notification Calendar. See these and other upcoming events HERE. Details and links for registration are found on each event.

Sometimes… A New Book About Foster Care
Author to donate $1 for each book sold, using our link, to the National Foster Parent Association. The National Foster Parent Association is pleased to introduce Keri Vellis and her book SOMETIMES! Keri Vellis, an experienced Foster Parent in Sonoma County, has...
Will deadlines fix the problem? Oregon seeks to house foster children in homes, not hotels
By Hillary Borrud The Oregonian/OregonLive Oregon officials who oversee child welfare have considered a settlement agreement that would force the state to stop using hotels as emergency housing for children in the foster care system. Read the...
Spring 2018 Resource Parent Conference March 3rd
We've posted the details for this Spring's Resource Parent Conference. See this event for details and a complete list of workshops.
What Is Aging Out?
Supporting older foster youth, An interview with Dr. John DeGarmo from the Aging Out Institute. Shared by Sam Macer, MSW Education Chair Maryland Resource Parent Association To view the complete article and to view the interview video, click...
Save the Dates: 2018 Annual Education Conference
Waves of Change - Oceans of Opportunity Be sure to note this Summer's Annual Education Conference in Orlando, Florida. For complete details, see the Event that we've added to our MRPA website.
Child Welfare Policy Directives
From: Sam Macer, Education Chair, MRPA Please see the link at right to review the current Child Welfare Policy Directives for the State of Maryland.
Ready by 21 Manual
From Sam Macer, Education Committee, Chair Every resource parent with a youth 14 years and older should have the Ready by 21 Manual. Early in 2018 MRPA will be asking for your input to develop a Ready by 21 Manual specifically focusing on our needs to provide care for...
PTA Our Article – The Invisible Population: Supporting Foster Families
by Sam Macer for PTA Our Foster families are an “invisible population.” If one hundred children were on a school playground, you couldn’t - or shouldn’t - be able to tell which ones were foster youth. If you were at a mall, you couldn’t pick out the...
Updated Ombusdman Flyer
We have an updated Ombudsman flyer for MRPA parents!
Blaque Diamond Enterprise
By Sam Macer I want to thank the Blaque Diamond Enterprise for inviting me to represent the Maryland Resource Parent Association at the 2nd annual “It’s a Family Affair” event. The community engagement event provided an opportunity to learn about the need for loving,... Article: Why Teenage Brains Are So Hard to Understand
By Alexandra Sifferlin September 8, 2017 TIME Health For more, visit TIME Health. The following story is excerpted from TIME’s special edition, The Science of Childhood, which is available in stores, at the TIME Shop and at Amazon. EXCERPT: When Frances Jensen’s...
Chronicle Report: At Least 25 States Have Lost Foster Care Capacity Since 2012
Excerpt: The number of U.S. children in foster care has been on the rise since 2012, and most experts agree that the upward trend will continue. But how are states doing at ensuring there are enough foster homes and other placements to take these children in?...
National Adoption Month 2017
Teens Need Families, No Matter What View this article by Jerry Milner, Associate Commissioner at the Children's Bureau, about this important month-long event. CLICK HERE
ARC Reflections Training Program
By Sam Macer This is a “must have” trauma management information piece for your Foster Parenting Tool Box from the Annie E. Casey Foundation. However, this information may assist any family or caregiver who has a non-foster care child who has experienced some type...
Maryland Resource Parent Survey
Please complete the following survey, as the Maryland Department of Human Services would like to ensure that Maryland's Resource Parents are receiving satisfactory services from the local department of social services. CLICK HERE TO COMPLETE THE SURVEY...
MRPA Alert! The House Tax Reform Package Proposes Eliminating the Adoption Tax Credit
The following was received by MRPA leadership from NCAC, the North American Council on Adoptable Children. We are sharing this notice to keep our members informed, and to ensure you have an opportunity to make your voice heard. The House Tax Reform Package Proposes...
Foster Parent Ombudsman Contact Info
Looking for information on Ombudsman resources available to you? We've got the info that you need! Note that this flyer will be available permanently under our 'Resources' menu at this link.
The Campaign to Heal Childhood Trauma (Event)
The MRPA would like to make our members aware of the following event. For further details, and to register, click here. Image from the Event page at this link. DESCRIPTION The purpose of this five-city tour is to raise awareness of how childhood trauma impacts the...
10 Words Only A Foster Parent Would Know
By Emily Westbrooks When I became a foster parent, I had no idea there was a whole litany of words that I'd be using to talk about specific cases, or that I would often have to ask someone to define words and/or translate phrases because, well, I had no idea what...
Foster Parent Engagement and the Court Process Panel (Volunteers Requested)
Hello everyone. The Maryland Resource Parent Association received the below note from the Department of Juvenile and Family Services, Administrative Office of the Courts-Programs Department and the University of Maryland, school of Social work. We have been asked to...
Hello everyone. The Maryland Resource Parent Association received the below note from the Department of Juvenile and Family Services, Administrative Office of the Courts-Programs Department and the University of Maryland, school of Social work. We have been asked to...
Ready by 21: Western Maryland College Tour and Open House
Fyi, there is a food service planned for Allegany College, so please confirm your registration by October 10th if you plan to attend that tour. Thank you! [pdf-embedder url="" title="RB21...
August 12th Cascade Lake Event – Register Today!
Register today for our free August 12th event at Cascade Lake! RSVP by July 29th, 2017 at 6pm. Click here to learn more, and to register your family! [pdf-embedder url="" title="Cascade Lake Day...
Fostering Success: Summer Program at Barry University’s School of Social Work
Fostering Success program helps young professionals who grew up in foster care. MIAMI SHORES, Fla. - Children who are raised in the foster care system sometimes lack the exposure and foundation needed to succeed in life, but a summer program at Barry University is...
Exciting Opportunity for MRPA Families to Attend the Mid-Atlantic Campference for FREE! Act Fast & Register by 6/23!
Attention all MRPA families and friends! The NewFound Families of Virginia is sponsoring its first Mid-Atlantic Campference for adoptive, foster and kinship families from June 29 through July 2, 2017. The Big News? The Maryland Resource Parents Association is excited...
Fall 2017 White House Internship Program
THE WHITE HOUSE Office of the Press Secretary FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE May 24, 2017 Fall 2017 White House Internship Program The Fall 2017 White House Internship Program application is now open. The application portal will remain open until 11:59PM EDT on June 16,...
We Belong Together: Camp-ference For Families and Workers
Announcing our upcoming 'Camp-Ference for Families and Workers' June 29 - July 2nd. Visit this Event for full details!
Notice of Bi-Annual MRPA Elections June, 2017
It is time for the bi-annual election of MRPA Executive Officers. Officers to be elected for a two year term beginning July 1, 2017 are: President President Elect Vice-President Treasurer Assistant Treasurer and Secretary. Nominations for six Community partners to...
Maryland CASA Association 11th Annual Conference – Registration Deadline 3/17
Registration Deadline: TOMORROW 3/17 Now for its 11th consecutive year, our conference is designed for current child welfare professionals, resource parents, students, and CASA volunteers to collectively gather and enhance their ability to advocate for abused...
Thanks to the National PTA!
The Maryland Foster Parent PTA and the Maryland Foster Parent Association would like to thank National PTA for the invitation to present information concerning foster care advocacy and support during the 2017 Legislative Conference. Sam Macer, President of the MD...
Upcoming Election of MRPA Officers
Notice of Upcoming Officers Elections 2017 Please note that in June of this year we will be holding our election for MRPA Officers. This is meant as first notice of election; more detailed information will be sent in March after the Executive Committee Meeting. To...
Reminder: Board Meeting this Wed, 2/22 at 8PM
This is a reminder of the scheduled Monthly meeting to be held on Wednesday evening February 22, 2017, starting at 8:00 PM. This will be a Teleconference meeting Phone Number: 302-202-1104 Enter Code 360215 A reminder also that BI-ANNUAL ELECTION OF OFFICERS WILL BE...
The Invisible Achievement Gap: Not just an Arizona problem!
Article Quote: “A new report commissioned by FosterEd Arizona finds Arizona students in foster care persistently underperform academically compared to their other classmates. Arizona’s Invisible Achievement Gap documents this overlooked problem for the first time....
Board Meeting Scheduled for February 22, 2017
A Regular Monthly Maryland Resource Parent Association (MRPA) Board Of Directors Meeting Has Been Called For Wednesday Evening, February 22, 2017 Starting At 8:00 PM. Meeting Will Be Held By Tele-Conference. Phone Number: 302-202-1104 Enter Code: 360215 All Members Of...
ESSA Listening Tours Schedule & Registration Link
The MRPA Team would like to pass along this message from the Maryland State Department of Education. Mark your calendars, and join where possible! Happy New Year! We hope this message finds you well. Just a reminder of the listening tours taking place regarding...
Spring 2017 Wye Mills Resource Parent Conference
Info and sign-up details for the upcoming Spring event at the Chesapeake College in Wye Mills, Maryland.
California Law to Close Group Home Stresses Importance of Family for Every Foster Kid
Click to read more.
MD: Court Appointed Special Advocates: Beginning of School Year Often Reveals Child Abuse, Neglect
The following article from the August 22, 2016 Riverdale Park Patch reports on an important trend of which resource parents, teachers and staff should be aware. Excerpt: "Because children are subject to less adult supervision outside the home over the summer,...

Fall 2016 Resource Parent Conference
Click here for complete details and a link to the registration for the October 8th conference.

Cascade Lake Fun Day!
We are sponsoring the annual August 13th, 10am to 6pm Cascade Lake Fun Day. Click here to register!
Problems in Texas ( Article
Need for Families Spikes as Texas Children Sleep in CPS Offices Posted by Sam Macer

Wye Mills Conference
Join us for a full day of offerings and training sessions geared to adoptive and foster parents. Click here for complete details.

Cascade Lake Fun Day! August 15th
Click here to learn more and to register. Open to resource parents and their immediate family.

Congratulations to Our New MRPA Officers!
Based upon the results of our election, the following new Officers were announced in the open Board Meeting on June 24th. President: Arnie Eby President-Elect: James McAllister Vice-President: Michele Burnette Treasurer: Demetria Gregory Secretary: Helen Nicholson...
Sample Post
Please ignore, we are testing some features on the MRPA website!

Welcome to the MRPA Website!
MRPA supports foster, adoptive, kinship and guardianship parents all across the state of Maryland. Whether you are a current resource parent, a prospective resource parent, or a child welfare professional, MRPA is there to support you. We realize it takes all of us...
Stay Tuned for MRPA BlogPosts!
As we get started with our new website, we'll be using our blog feature to distribute news about what's happening in the MRPA. Consider subscribing to our blog to receive new posts in email!
Resources and Upcoming Webinar
Advocates for Families First Helping ensure children in kinship, foster, and adoptive families thrive. A warm welcome to all the new subscribers to this e-news list. Please also visit the website at: 2014 Green Book Has Updated...
Resources and Upcoming Webinar
Subject: Resources and Upcoming Webinar Advocates for Families First Helping ensure children in kinship, foster, and adoptive families thrive. A warm welcome to all the new subscribers to this e-news list. Please also visit the website at:...
February MRPA Board Meeting
Sent: Wed, Feb 18, 2015 2:15 pm Subject: February MRPA Board Meeting Good Afternoon A reminder of February Board Meeting, February 25, 2015; it will be a Teleconference Dial: 1877-668-4493 Enter Code 23279306# Time 8 PM Minutes from January meeting attached Please try...
Hello world!
Welcome to WordPress. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!

The National Voice of Foster Parents
The following is sourced from the Child Welfare League of America (CWLA). ACTION ALERT: Meet With Your Members of Congress in August while they are home. Ask them to support the Foster Care-Medicaid Demonstration Proposal Concern: The Administration has proposed (in...

Find a Support Network
MRPA is all about connecting parents with the resources and backup that they need. Find a support network that fits your needs!
Maryland Politics
Link to story. Story reproduced from the Washington Post Maryland Politics section. Maryland solicits foster parents for migrant youths as O’Malley meets with faith leaders Officials: Montgomery among jurisdictions that could host facility. By John Wagner and Bill...