MRPA Blog: News & Events
National Adoption Month 2017
Teens Need Families, No Matter What View this article by Jerry Milner, Associate Commissioner at the Children's Bureau, about this important month-long event. CLICK HERE
ARC Reflections Training Program
By Sam Macer This is a “must have” trauma management information piece for your Foster Parenting Tool Box from the Annie E. Casey Foundation. However, this information may assist any family or caregiver who has a non-foster care child who has experienced some type...
Maryland Resource Parent Survey
Please complete the following survey, as the Maryland Department of Human Services would like to ensure that Maryland's Resource Parents are receiving satisfactory services from the local department of social services. CLICK HERE TO COMPLETE THE SURVEY...
MRPA Alert! The House Tax Reform Package Proposes Eliminating the Adoption Tax Credit
The following was received by MRPA leadership from NCAC, the North American Council on Adoptable Children. We are sharing this notice to keep our members informed, and to ensure you have an opportunity to make your voice heard. The House Tax Reform Package Proposes...
Foster Parent Ombudsman Contact Info
Looking for information on Ombudsman resources available to you? We've got the info that you need! Note that this flyer will be available permanently under our 'Resources' menu at this link.
The Campaign to Heal Childhood Trauma (Event)
The MRPA would like to make our members aware of the following event. For further details, and to register, click here. Image from the Event page at this link. DESCRIPTION The purpose of this five-city tour is to raise awareness of how childhood trauma impacts the...
10 Words Only A Foster Parent Would Know
By Emily Westbrooks When I became a foster parent, I had no idea there was a whole litany of words that I'd be using to talk about specific cases, or that I would often have to ask someone to define words and/or translate phrases because, well, I had no idea what...
Foster Parent Engagement and the Court Process Panel (Volunteers Requested)
Hello everyone. The Maryland Resource Parent Association received the below note from the Department of Juvenile and Family Services, Administrative Office of the Courts-Programs Department and the University of Maryland, school of Social work. We have been asked to...
Hello everyone. The Maryland Resource Parent Association received the below note from the Department of Juvenile and Family Services, Administrative Office of the Courts-Programs Department and the University of Maryland, school of Social work. We have been asked to...
Ready by 21: Western Maryland College Tour and Open House
Fyi, there is a food service planned for Allegany College, so please confirm your registration by October 10th if you plan to attend that tour. Thank you! [pdf-embedder url="" title="RB21...