MRPA Blog: News & Events

Congratulations to Our New MRPA Officers!

Based upon the results of our election, the following new Officers were announced in the open Board Meeting on June 24th. President:  Arnie Eby President-Elect: James McAllister Vice-President:  Michele Burnette Treasurer:  Demetria Gregory Secretary: Helen Nicholson...

Welcome to the MRPA Website!

MRPA supports foster, adoptive, kinship and guardianship parents all across the state of Maryland. Whether you are a current resource parent, a prospective resource parent, or a child welfare professional, MRPA is there to support you. We realize it takes all of us...

Stay Tuned for MRPA BlogPosts!

As we get started with our new website, we'll be using our blog feature to distribute news about what's happening in the MRPA. Consider subscribing to our blog to receive new posts in email!

Resources and Upcoming Webinar

Advocates for​ Families First Helping ensure children in kinship, foster, and adoptive families thrive. A warm welcome to all the new subscribers to this e-news list. Please also visit the website at: 2014 Green Book Has Updated...

Resources and Upcoming Webinar

Subject: Resources and Upcoming Webinar Advocates for Families First Helping ensure children in kinship, foster, and adoptive families thrive. A warm welcome to all the new subscribers to this e-news list. Please also visit the website at:...

February MRPA Board Meeting

Sent: Wed, Feb 18, 2015 2:15 pm Subject: February MRPA Board Meeting Good Afternoon A reminder of February Board Meeting, February 25, 2015; it will be a Teleconference Dial: 1877-668-4493 Enter Code 23279306# Time 8 PM Minutes from January meeting attached Please try...

The National Voice of Foster Parents

The following is sourced from the Child Welfare League of America (CWLA). ACTION ALERT: Meet With Your Members of Congress in August while they are home. Ask them to support the Foster Care-Medicaid Demonstration Proposal Concern: The Administration has proposed (in...

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