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New Executive Director, Stefany Lang, has been chosen to lead the Maryland Resource Parents Association.
Stefany Lang has been selected as the new executive director of the Maryland Resource Parents Association (MRPA), which represents foster and kinship parents throughout the state.
Lang and her husband, Chris, are active foster parents in Calvert County, where they have fostered 11 children since they became foster parents in 2013. Lang is also president of the Calvert County Foster Parent Association and a co-facilitator of the county’s training for new foster parents (called PRIDE). There, she has instituted monthly support group meetings and foster family events, as well as serving as a resource for the questions and concerns for local foster parents.
As MRPA executive director, Lang hopes to bring that same support to foster and kinship parents statewide. “I have a true passion for being a foster parent,” says Lang, whose family consists of three biological children, two adopted children, and two children who are part of their family through guardianship, ranging in age from 7 to 31. “I want to try and make the foster care experience as smooth and painless as possible for the families and the children in Maryland.”
Lang and her husband became foster parents when the youngest of her biological daughters was a junior in high school. While they originally thought they would foster infants or toddlers, their first placement was a sibling set of three, ages 8, 9, and 12, one of whom they later adopted.
One of Lang’s favorite quotes is “It takes a village to raise a child.” “I believe we, as foster parents, are that village,” she says. “Being there for the children and their families is what makes foster parenting so fulfilling.”
Before becoming a foster parent, Lang was social media manager for the company Recorded Books. She also works as an adoptive parent mentor and runs a support group for Adoptions Together, a local adoption organization. In addition, Lang and her husband are active volunteers for the Special Olympics of Calvert County, where they have coached 5 sports and raised over $40,000.
Lang will be only the second executive director at MRPA, taking over the role from Arnie Eby, who turned what had been a volunteer role into a paid position in 2019 to reflect the larger role MRPA has played. Eby is now executive director of the National Foster Parent Association.
MPRA represents public foster and kinship parents throughout Maryland. Its executive director and board members work with the state government and other groups to represent the views of foster and kinship parents. The organization supports county-based foster parent groups, as well as individual foster parents through support and training.

What is the MRPA?
Enjoy this replay of our April, 2024 session outlining the mission and purpose of the Maryland Resource Parent Association.
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MRPA Community News
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MD DHS Annual Notice of Resources Flyer
The Maryland DHS has made available their 'Annual Notice of Resources' flyer. Download your copy from the MRPA website at: https://mrpa.org/download/6108/
First Tuesday Videos Now Available
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The MRPA Mission
Our Mission is to provide support service to all Resource Families in the state of Maryland. Membership in the Association shall be open to all Resource Parents.
MRPA supports foster, adoptive, kinship and guardianship parents all across the state of Maryland.
Whether you are a current resource parent, a prospective resource parent, or a child welfare professional, MRPA is there to support you.
We realize it takes all of us working together to give children in need a stable, loving family.