Notice of Bi-Annual MRPA Elections June, 2017

It is time for the bi-annual election of MRPA Executive Officers. Officers to be elected for a two year term beginning July 1, 2017 are: President President Elect Vice-President Treasurer Assistant Treasurer and Secretary. Nominations for six Community partners to...

Board Meeting Scheduled for February 22, 2017

A Regular Monthly Maryland Resource Parent Association (MRPA) Board Of Directors Meeting Has Been Called For Wednesday Evening, February 22, 2017 Starting At 8:00 PM. Meeting Will Be Held By Tele-Conference. Phone Number: 302-202-1104 Enter Code: 360215 All Members Of...
Congratulations to Our New MRPA Officers!

Congratulations to Our New MRPA Officers!

Based upon the results of our election, the following new Officers were announced in the open Board Meeting on June 24th. President:  Arnie Eby President-Elect: James McAllister Vice-President:  Michele Burnette Treasurer:  Demetria Gregory Secretary: Helen Nicholson...

Maryland Politics

Link to story. Story reproduced from the Washington Post Maryland Politics section. Maryland solicits foster parents for migrant youths as O’Malley meets with faith leaders Officials: Montgomery among jurisdictions that could host facility. By John Wagner and Bill...

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