A Need for Kinship-Specific Training

There is a need for the development of a basic “Parent Involvement 101” education training to support and sustain academic achievement for children and youth in kinship care and all youth in out of home placement.


Research indicates that children and youth in care are often 2-3 grades behind.

There is a need for a parental involvement in educational training that infuses basic academic “kitchen table” support, as well as the elements of trauma informed child welfare issues.

Caregivers from California to Maine are invited to provide their input and suggestions to support children and youth in their educational journey. Often, best practices and caregiver lived experiences are the most effective supports that can be applied to help our children in care.

Get Involved & Help Us Make a Difference

Please accept the Maryland Resource Parent Association (MRPA) invitation to become engaged in our special project to raise and sustain academic achievement by offering your input and suggestions on how we can better equip Kinship Parents across Maryland.


  • In your experience as a Kinship or Fictive Kin, what is the biggest need you have to provide the best possible care?
  • What are the special needs of children in this type of care?
  • How do you feel the role of a Kinship parent differs from a typical, non-familial Foster parent?
  • What services do you feel are unique to this type of fostering? What services are missing/needed?

We will collect your input and will develop a final educational training in December to be published in the MRPA Kinship Corner. We’ll make this training available to parents nationwide via the National Foster Parent Association’s NFPA Training Institute, as well, so your input will impact parents across the entire nation.

No matter where you live, feel free to share your thoughts.

Contact MRPA via Sam Macer, MSW by email or phone.

Phone: 410-916-7276
Email: kinship@mrpa.org

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