Upcoming Election of MRPA Officers

Notice of Upcoming Officers Elections 2017 ​Please note that in June of this year we will be holding our election for MRPA Officers. This is meant as first notice of election; more detailed information will be sent in March after the Executive Committee Meeting. To...

Reminder: Board Meeting this Wed, 2/22 at 8PM

This is a reminder of the scheduled Monthly meeting to be held on Wednesday evening February 22, 2017, starting at 8:00 PM. This will be a Teleconference meeting Phone Number: 302-202-1104 Enter Code 360215 A reminder also that BI-ANNUAL ELECTION OF OFFICERS WILL BE...

ESSA Listening Tours Schedule & Registration Link

The MRPA Team would like to pass along this message from the Maryland State Department of Education. Mark your calendars, and join where possible! Happy New Year! We hope this message finds you well. Just a reminder of the listening tours taking place regarding...

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