MRPA Blog: News & Events
MRPA Meeting Tuesday, 9/10
Please join us Tuesday September 10, 2024 for our Bi-Monthly Meeting at 8:00pm. All foster/kinship parents are welcome!
INVITATION: Maryland Resource Parent Association Project #1 – A National Effort
A Need for Kinship-Specific Training There is a need for the development of a basic “Parent Involvement 101” education training to support and sustain academic achievement for children and youth in kinship care and all youth in out of home placement. Why? Research...
Executive Board Elections 9/10/24 – Call for Nominees, Updated Nominee List
Email Stefany Lang at to add your name to the list of nominees for the MRPA Board of Directors.
Executive Board Elections 9/10/24
The MRPA will be holding their Executive Board elections at our next scheduled meeting on 9/10/24 @ 8pm via Zoom. If you are interested in nominating yourself or someone else for one of the board positions please email me at no later than 8/10/24 (30...
MRPA Presents: What is MRPA?
Join us on Tuesday, April 16th, 2024 from 7pm to 8pm for this special event. Learn what the Maryland Resource Parents Association is and what we do for the state’s foster and kinship parents: Answer questions and provide support Represent their needs with state...
MRPA First Tuesday for October, 2023: Talking with Children About Adoption and Birth Families
Did you know that it's important to start talking with children about adoption and using positive adoption language at the earliest age possible? Foster, adoptive and pre-adoptive families are encouraged to attend this interactive training with Erica Moltz from...
SSA’s Health Care Services Spotlight Webinar Series
Foster Care Tax Credit Act SURVEY: Your Response is Requested by 9/7
Sharing this opportunity posted by the National Foster Parent Association (NFPA). The NFPA has partnered with the Child Welfare League of America (CWLA) and Upbring, a child welfare service provider in Texas, to advocate for the Foster Care Tax Credit Act. This...
Summer Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) Programs / Programas de P-EBT en el verano
Who is eligible for Summer P-EBT benefits? School children who received free or reduced price school meals at school under the National School Lunch Program or School Breakfast Program are eligible for P-EBT benefits in the summer of 2023. Unlike in the past, children...
Foster the Family 5k Fun Day – Saturday, May 6th