Foster Care

Foster Care

Foster Care is a temporary Service that provides short-term care and supportive services to children who are unable to live at home because of child abuse or neglect. Foster children live in family foster homes and group care settings.

Twenty-three counties in Maryland and Baltimore City operate foster care programs. Foster care caseworkers work with the birth and foster families to develop the most appropriate permanency plan for each child. Reunification with parents, placement with relatives, or adoption is examples of permanency plans. If for some reason a child cannot reunite with their family, some children receive services that teach them to be independent young adults. The foster care caseworker assists the birth and foster families in obtaining the services, such as counseling and health care needed to meet the goals of the permanency plan. Each foster care program also recruits, train, approve and retain foster care providers.

Local Depart. Of Social Services Phone Numbers

Foster Parent Policies

Access to Education For Children in Foster Care

Access to Education For Children in Foster Care (Video)

A handbook for youth out of home placement

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