MRPA Officer Election 2017


Board of Directors
Application Kit

Includes an overview of the Association, an application form and complete instructions for becoming a member of the Association’s Board of Directors Maryland Resource Parent Association.

The Maryland Resource Parent Association was started in 20 by a group of resource parents that wanted to form an organization for resource families. Our intent is to work together to insure the safety, permanence, and well being of the children in the state of Maryland.

The Association’s mission is to provide support service to all Resource Families in the state of Maryland.

Interested in becoming a board member on MRPA’s Board of Directors?

After reading about how the application process works, remove the application form included and read through it carefully. We are looking for people who will make a valuable contribution to the Board of Directors. If interested, please complete the following application.

How many directors can be on the Board?

The Board of Directors will have up to twelve (12) members plus two (2) at large, not including a president, president-elect, vice president, treasurer, assistant treasurer, and secretary.

Who will be represented on the board?

A majority of the board will be resource parents as defined by our by-laws. Board representation will be determined by a formula that includes diversity of culture, and region. We are also looking for members with expertise in marketing, fundraising, finance, human resources, education, and the legal system.

How long do directors serve on the board?

The directors shall serve for a period of two (2) years. No person shall serve on the board for more than three (3) consecutive terms (six years).

How often are board meetings held?

The Board of Directors shall conduct an “In Person’ meeting in January, April, July, and October, one of these “In Person” meetings must be held in Baltimore City.

Meetings in February, March, May, June, August, September, November, and December will be held by Teleconference.

Is there any financial compensation for being on the board?

Board members cannot be paid for participating on a nonprofit board. However the Association will cover travel expenses (mileage, meals & lodging), as funding is available.

How does the selection process work?

The Board of Directors has a nominating committee that will contact candidates and then propose recommendations to the whole board for a vote. The nominating committee will review all applications and recommend board members based on the following:

1. Interest in serving on the Board of Directors for a two-year term.
2. Ability to represent and advocate for resource parents and their children.
3. Ability to see “the big picture” and to make sure that MRPA fulfills its mission.
4. Ability to represent a diverse group of families in a strengths-based and a culturally competent fashion.
5. Ability to contribute special skills and/or knowledge to the Board of Directors.

If I am selected as a board member, what will I have to do?

1. Policy development and planning.

Board members are expected to keep current on the work of the Association and to become actively involved in developing plans and creating policies that will help the Association become the leading resource parent association for families and their children.

2. Ambassadors

Board members are expected to serve as ambassadors in the community and to seek out opportunities to educate the community about the Association.

3. Initial development responsibilities

The Board will be instrumental in helping MRPA establish a solid foundation including but not limited to, creating subcommittees, assisting in creating certain policies, and assisting with other infrastructure considerations. Board members must contribute no fewer than 60 hours yearly to the Association including Board meetings, Regional conferences, and Committee responsibilities. Board members shall attend at least four (4) planned meetings per year unless excused by the President from one (1) board meeting per year. Members failing to fulfill this obligation, without cause, may be dropped from Board membership by a majority vote of the board. A member who is unable to physically attend one of the required board meetings may, with the permission of the President, request a conference call to participate in that meeting, at the cost of the board member. This shall constitute a legal attendance, but shall only be granted one time per elected term. Board members must be registered members of the Association and must provide Individual Background Check from the Maryland Department of Public safety within 30 days of appointment and prior to assuming office. Board members will also be responsible for “being prepared” for board meetings. This will include reading all materials sent to you prior to the meeting, and then calling the appropriate committee chair with any questions you may have.

When will I know if I have been selected as a board member?

Someone from the nominating committee will contact you after a decision has been made.


Please complete the following Application Form. Note that you can either print and hand-complete the PDF, or complete and print the MS Word form. Instructions for submitting the form are included on the documents.




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